Animal Line Formula Two 200gms


Formula Two assists the animal’s digestive system by breaking down food efficiently and crowding out bad bacteria, which can cause disease.

When animals are fed Formula Two which contains BIOAKTIV•cq, their food is better digested. The benefits are that the animal receives much more nutritional value from its food and may require less food. In addition, it assists to eliminate the smell of odour from their body and urine / faeces.

Category: Product ID: 284


Product : Animal Line
Quantity : 200gms


Formula Two assists the animal’s digestive system by breaking down food efficiently and crowding out bad bacteria, which can cause disease.

When animals are fed Formula Two which contains BIOAKTIV•cq, their food is better digested. The benefits are that the animal receives much more nutritional value from its food and may require less food. In addition, it assists to eliminate the smell of odour from their body and urine / faeces.

Formula Two is applied by adding it in with your animal’s water, in the recommended quantities.

BIOAKTIV•cq operates as a “biological conditioner” and is designed to enhance and improve the natural bacterial processes that occur in the digestive system and the overall health of the animal. Once the product is in the animal, it stimulates the aerobic (beneficial) bacteria’s and reduces the level of anaerobic (harmful) bacteria in the animal’s gut, improving digestion and boosting the immune system.

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160×110 cm, 200×160 cm


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