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Solving pet’s flea (externally) problem begins with: 1.Diet 2.Treating the environment with its own. There are other thoughts, find what works for you. Diet Diet plays a large part in flea-proofing your pet. Feed high quality all-natural food and add BioAktiv Formula 1 and 2 to your pet’s diet. Environment Treat inside surroundings of your home Borate crystals Fleago borate crystals…
FLEAS – BioAktiv CQ Formula 1 and 2 works and assists to treat the internal environment of the pet: How it Works? BioAktiv CQ Animal Line Formula 1 and 2 – all our products harbour natural bio-resonance frequencies (electro-magnetic waves) to effectively increase the multiplication of aerobic microbes in the animal. The increase in the population of aerobic microbes suppresses the multiplication…

Kody and Banjo, their coats are amazing, thank you Vince Maureen says Samson one of my 3 Ragdolls is doing great on this product, shiny coat, fleas are minimal, they have only been on it a month,but very happy with your product! It’s a supplement powder, added to their wet /raw food, it helps to neutralise their litter box…
Nerida says My BioAktiv CQ working dogs.. Keep going in all conditions !
Karen Cocks – a dog breeder and has commented on some of the observations she’s found over the last couple of months with her dogs. ” Think that it’s awesome how it makes their poo less smelly and I don’t think they poo as much.”
Do you have a #dog and experience #grassburn from urine? Here’s some words left on our page, as a review, from Cami Irwin – “I started my two dogs on BioAktiv CQ Formula one 4 days ago and already I am noticing a difference in no more grass burn in my yard. The smell isn’t as strong. I’m looking forward to seeing…

Hi! My name is Figgie (Maltese / Papillon) I am now 7 years old and have been on BioAktivcq formula 1 since I was 5 weeks old. When I was 5 years of age I had 22 paralysis ticks and survived to tell the story. As you know tick venom weakens the heart, lungs and other organs. If it wasn’t…